The club grew...
The golf course grew each year and received its 100 member; she can be seen pictured here with Jim Leask with the putter she was gifted for becoming the 100th member of Asta Golf Club.
With the Golf Course growing, the Clubhouse became too small. The porta cabin clubhouse was moved, making room for a new clubhouse to be built in its place.
In November 1996 the new clubhouse was ready and opened by Winnie Leask, followed by a music evening for all to enjoy. Winnie can be seen playing her accordion below with Jim by the window playing his bass guitar. Jim and Winnie's eldest Daughter is pictured behind Winnie.
Music nights became a tradition for the Asta Clubhouse following a group of musicians who would gather with their instruments at the Gott School until they wanted to expand to fortnightly sessions which was unfortunately not possible at the school as it was only available during term time.
The music nights are still a tradition at the Asta Golf Club with two of Jim and Winnie’s daughters hosting them every second Thursday.
Jim continued to maintain the course along with his family and taking the next generation out on the course became a new tradition, with 7 children and their partners along with 15 grandchildren and their partners, a golf course was the perfect setting! An annual family gathering where each player could only take one club out on the course to complete their game was a favourite, it is well remembered that Jim took a putter to the game several times and completed the game with that alone. That day was often finished with food and music in the clubhouse with everyone mucking in with the cooking and tunes.
Who we are now..
Now in its third generation of the Leask family of Asta,
It is a great honor and privilege to continue the dream that Jim and Winnie created -
Check out 'Who we are now...'